"Cary Roque, Las Organizaciones del Presidio Político Cubano, estamos convocamos para las 8.P.m., en la sede de la Casa del Preso, a una reunión de emergencia, hoy....miércoles, para coordinar una acción conjunta con otras organizaciones del Exilio. Se ruega la presencia en el 1140 SW 13 Ave. Miami, FL.
Prohibido Olvidar a Orlando Zapata Tamayo!!!!!"
2 comentarios:
Saludos, Ramón.
Lo vi en el blog de Enrisco y me sumo a la iniciativa.
Hagamos llegar este mensaje al Black Caucus norteamericano; o sea, a los representes negros al Congreso. Hay que insistir:
Dirección de email: congressionalblackcaucus@mail.house.gov
Yesterday the Cuban government claimed another victim. Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a prisoner of conscience recognized by Amnesty International, died after a hunger strike that lasted 85 days. He had been jailed since 2003 for no other crime than speaking his mind freely, a basic human right you and I are fortunate to enjoy without fear.
Orlando Zapata Tamayo was also a black Cuban, in a country that claims to have freed its black citizens from racial oppression, yet they remain among the poorest and less represented in Cuba. Many other Afro-Cuban political prisoners are still jailed in Cuba, including Oscar Elias Biscet, a follower of the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King.
The US Administration, through State Department spokesman Philip Crowley has said that Mr Zapata’s death “highlights the injustice of Cuba’s holding more than 200 political prisoners who should now be released without delay” and asked for their immediate release.
I urge to all the representatives of the Congressional Black Caucus to forcefully condemn this crime, one more in a long list perpetrated by the regime that oppresses Cuba, and join the State Department in demanding the immediate release of all Cuban political prisoners.
Sincerely, [La firma]
Hola Antinoo, gracias, ya lo re-envie.
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